版本需求:Android 因裝置而異
聯絡地址:172 West Creek Cir Chestermere Alberta T1X 1R6, Canada
The RA is a free download but access to the RA app is restricted and controlled by the RSC. The RSC creates the username/password and profile for RA then distributes it to the correct personnel.
Use of the RA is optional but it can be of great value to support both your guests and the event itself. The RA is an app that is tracked by the ESS. As the app is tracked the ESS is better able to manage them and move them to a response or issue as needed.
This App can be provided to a wide range of people that will support and respond to people at the event. People such as:
• Administrators.
• Entertainers.
• Event guides.
• Maintenance staff.
• Managers.
• Medical staff.
• Movers.
• Security staff.
The RA app is actively viewed by the RSC so that they can be directed to support and respond to any activities at the event.
The RA has the following features:
1. It has the same map as the EMMS App.
2. It can also provide Reports and receive Messages and Warnings.
3. The map shows which EMMS App is in trouble.
4. The app can request Help and can be livestreamed.
5. The app can be seen on the ESS map.
6. The app map can see other RA apps.
The primary role of the ESS is to enhance and support the guest experience at your event or venue.
The secondary role is to maintain contact with your guest after they have left your event ensuring that they will return again.
The ESS is a map based control system that can receive date from the EA and RA and that can actively monitor the RA.
The ESS can be established anywhere that has the internet and a PC and multiple Technicianas can work and manager the system.
The ESS has the following features:
1. It is centered around a map that:
a. Shows all added bases, building and features.
b. Shows all RA’s.
c. Displays all Help and Reports.
2. It can livestream both app types by simply clicking on the app and accessing the livestream button. This livestream can be shared.
3. It creates and manages the RA’s.
4. It can send targeted messages, mass messages and warnings.
5. It can add bases, buildings and features to the map.
6. The ESS supports all app users
7. The ESS can be featured in a portal in your website.
8. The ESS can feature other entities and businesses and earn advertising revenue. These revenues can be significant.